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Our Services

Velocity Physio provides high quality, affordable and convenient physical therapy services to all individuals aiming to reduce pain and restore function to their lives. This purpose built studio, designed by the founder, Veronica Barker provides us with her extensive knowledge and skills encompassing a wide range of services.

Our studio provides a unique blend of effective one-on-one treatment time, an open community atmosphere and convenience for our clients. Our experience, passion and diversity within the profession allow us to positively impact the physical therapy market in the Clarence Valley Region.


Acupuncture Dry Needling

Acupuncture Dry Needling

Veronica studied acupuncture dry needling in Melbourne 15 years ago and has been using this as an adjunct to treatment for trigger point therapy, reducing muscle tone, fascial releasing, pain relief and nerve tension release.  This effective technique focuses on anatomy trains and aims to create a change in symptoms produced by injured tissue, muscle, fascia or nerve.

Bike Set Up & Bike Fit Fast App

Bike Set Up & Bike Fit Fast App 

Veronica first learnt about Bike Set Up at the AIS Canberra in 2005: since then technology has enabled advancements in real time measurements and she uses the Bike Fit Fast App.  Combining anatomy knowledge with musculoskeletal testing, the correct bike geometry and body angles for comfortable riding is the desired outcome to improve your riding experience and performance.

Clinical Pilates

Clinical Pilates

Veronica is a certified DMA Clinical Pilates Physiotherapist who uses Pilates Equipment and Exercise as a physiotherapy tool for treatment, co-treatment, program-based management & clinical pathways for patients to attain their goals.  The way we use Pilates is part of our treatment regime.  We assess and treat the patient individually then move them into program-based management where four patients are treated at the same time with individualised programs.

Dance Pre-Pointe Assessment

Dance Pre-Pointe Assessment

Getting your child ready for Pointe Shoes is the aim for pre-pointe assessment as dancers develop to this stage at different times. 

A thorough musculoskeletal examination and specific pre-pointe testings is performed, and a report provided to the ballet teacher.  Home based exercises are prescribed and progressed by the Physiotherapist until a Pass to go onto Pointe is attained.

Exercise Physiology

Exercise Physiology utilises exercise prescription and lifestyle modification for treatment of a wide range of chronic disease and musculo-skeletal conditions. Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEP's) are 4-5 year University trained professionals that specialise in post-acute exercise prescription. AEP's utilise current research-based best practice exercise prescription to allow for optimal outcomes for individuals and groups. AEP's work with each individual to provide safe, achievable lifestyle interventions, in a manner that suits the individuals capabilities.

Exercise Physiology
Gait Analysis & Orthotics

Gait Analysis & Orthotics

Gaitscan is a force platform that enables Veronica to assess your unique footprint as the patient balances, walks, squats or runs over the platform.  The digital readings allow her to see the pressure areas of the gait pattern and determine if this load can be corrected via prescription orthotics versus off the shelf orthotics, or through specific balance and strengthening exercises.  Combined with her knowledge of foot biomechanics, pre-pointe dance assessments and being a keen triathlete, Veronica has a passion for putting your best foot forward.  She refers to Podiatrists when required.

Go Pro Swimming Analysis

Go Pro Swimming Analysis

Keen to improve your swimming stroke? Just getting started and don't quite know how to improve your technique?  In partnership with Yamba Community Pools swim Coach Richard Beresford and Maclean Community Pools Kim Elvery, Veronica uses GoPro videoing and Skillest Analysis for stroke correction.  A visual understanding of your current technique and drills to change your technique is one of the simplest ways to chart your improvement.

Group Exercise

Group Exercise

We all know it..... We all need it.  Yes, exercising with people is more stimulating, committed and fun.  Our individual tailored programs target your needs and goals in a group setting (4 max people).  We use a variety of clinical pilates equipment, powerbands, fitballs and weights to address your specific program.  Whether your goals require strength, flexibility, balance, muscle tone, mobility or neuromuscular facilitation - we are experienced to create a program pitched at your level of skill, confidence and capabilities.  An initial consultation is required for all group exercise sessions.  Health insurance rebates are available.  For each session we record your goals, current status and objective findings and adjust your program depending on your scores and level of achievement.

Mum's & Bubs Pilates

Mum's & Bubs Pilates

All stages of ante-natal and post-natal pregnancy clients are welcome to join in our group exercise class that is catered to your individual circumstances.  Babies are welcome in the class and monitored by our staff.  This provides an opportunity for women to meet new mums in the area and creates and exercise outlet that focuses on health and well being of mums, bubs and mums to be.  An initial consultation is required and is claimable through private health insurance.

Real Time Ultrasound

Real Time UltraSound

Real Time Ultrasound is a non-invasive Ultrasound that enables Veronica to check Pelvic Floor Muscle contraction for Women and Men.  A full bladder can be clearly seen on the screen which enables the patient to watch the muscle activity of the pelvic floor and abdominals.  Often simple verbal and visual instructions are enough to change how a pelvic floor contraction is performed.  This can be life changing and empowering.  Conditions that can benefit from having a correct Pelvic Floor contraction can include Stress & Urge Incontinence, Overactive bladder, issues with Haemorrhoids & Constipation, Post-Surgical muscle contraction for Prostate or Bladder surgery.

Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage

Suzanne Crane can provide Remedial Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Lymphoedema treatment and Cupping for conditions relating to lifestyle, sports injury, post-surgical scar or cancer recovery and fascial mobility.  The fascial system of the body is like a web holding us together, connecting in and around muscles, organs and bony structures linking the kinetic chain.  By exploring the fascial trains, Suzanne will allow you to reduce muscle tone and feel more mobile, supple and ultimately function with ease.

Running Analysis

Running Analysis

As a kid did anyone teach you how to run?

Chances are the answers is NO.  There is no perfect technique for running but there is technique for efficiency, avoidance of injury and performance.  Body biomechanics, stride length, running cadence, posture, foot type and choice of runners all play a part in your running style. Veronica performs a musculoskeletal 

checklist and then uses GoPro video to analyse your running technique.  Corrections to technique are made: skill acquisition is broken down into upper limb, trunk and lower limb: running drills and progressive running program is taught.  Referral to Running groups in the Lower Clarence can be beneficial once technique has improved.  It is possible a gaitscan analysis is also required to check your unique foot landing.

Scoliosis Clinic

Scoliosis Clinic

Veronica is currently undergoing further training in Scoliosis Screening, management and exercise therapy using the Schroth Method.  Veronica can measure and record Cobb Angles progressions, provide specific de-rotation exercises, assist in determining when to brace and when to refer to surgery.

Sports Physio

Sports Physio

Veronica is titled sports and exercise physiotherapist who has advanced skills to assess and treat sports related injuries, implement measures for injury prevention or clinical decision making to guide the patient to the appropriate investigation or specialist.  Veronica's sports knowledge for load management, epidemiology of sports injuries and clinical decision making can be utilised across all sports.  She has a keen interest in prehab and post orthopaedic surgical rehab.  Veronica and two sports physio colleagues convene the highest sports course for Physiotherapists in Australia at the AIS in Canberra.  This invaluable continuing education includes the latest research for assessment and management of sports related injuries: knowledge that is integrated into her daily practice.  Veronica can refer for MRI, X-ray (rebate available depending on the area) & Ultrasound.  Some X-rays and MRIs for U16s are rebatable by Medicare.

Triathlete Screening

Triathlete Screening

As a keen Triathlete who represented Australia at the Age-Group World Championships in 2018, Veronica has an in-depth knowledge of this sport and the demands on the body.  She can provide athletic screening to address any weaknesses in the kinetic chain and provide reports to coaches which assists in the athlete's training program to be able to safely return to competition or improve performance.

Women & Men's Health

A detailed history and examination via Real Time Ultrasound and potentially internal examination is required to address Women and Men's Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions related to the bladder or bowel, haemorrhoids, constipation, pelvic girdle pain, post-surgical and ante & post-natal conditions.  Patients are educated on their condition and shown specific techniques or home exercise to perform.  Veronica may advise the use of Fluid Balance charts, Real Time Ultrasound, Pericalm TENS machines, Pessaries and modalities suitable for your condition.

Women & Men's Health

Rise Yoga Ashby

Treat yourself and enjoy the rainforest ambience, settle in with your intentions for yoga and let Kirra or Julie guide you through a warm up body awareness stretch, a yoga sequence catered to your level of experience and where your body will go, and finish with a relaxing meditation shivasana. Kirra's medical background will give you anatomical insights and clear instructions, providing knowledge to transform your body and mind.  Nourish yourself, connect with your body and let the change of pace be rewarding and addictive.

Individual session investment:  $16

10 pass card investment:  $140

Rise Yoga Ashby
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